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This web-site was created with the intention to let know my studies on family's history and the result of reconstruction of our family's documentary heritage, once kept in the family archive in San Pietro Avellana, destroyed due to the war events of the last world war, when the town of San Pietro Avellana and  our house were razed to the ground by the German sappers.

The research began in Archivio Distrettuale Notarile di Campobasso, in the summer of 1997, but the first significant contribution of news and material was due to the visit to the State Archives of Isernia, which represented the true launch pad to the next goals.

About me: in addition to directly taking care of this website, which was awarded in 2010 with the Golden Shield, from Centro Studi Araldici. I've published some articles for the bimonthly magazine Nobility of the Italian Genealogical Heraldic Institute (Istituto Araldico Genealogico Italiano), for the online magzine Fonti Documentarie e Quaderni della Società Genealogica Italiana,, for the website of the de Filippis Delfico, family, some of which are shown on these pages in the section Articles (actually available only in italian language), as well as the Family History book "In cammino nel tempo". I've participated in the IV literary competition, organized by the municipality of Capracotta (one of the high Molise countries where some of my ancestors lived) with the story "Times of War: the meeting with the Germans at Capracotta" ("Tempi di guerra: l'incontro con i tedeschi a Capracotta") that obtained the first prize. I am  correspondent member for the Registro Araldico Italiano and with the collaboration of the aristist Michele Tota from Altamura, I have created and published on-line the List of Noble Families of Molise and Abruzzo, reproducing five hundred and more heraldic coats of arms.

                                                                                                                                                   Alfonso di Sanza d’Alena